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Hybridizing additive manufacturing and sheet forming process to manufacture complex components with multi-features: A review

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2025-02-28 点击量:

Hybridizing additive manufacturing and sheet forming process to

manufacture complex components with multi-features: A review

Tingyu Ge,Yanle Li,Deshun Gao,Chenglong Yang,Fangyi Li

School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University

Journal:《Journal of Manufacturing Processes


Customized thin-walled components with multiple features face challenges in mass manufacturing, where complex geometries make it difficult to balance material formability, dimensional accuracy, efficiency, and cost in the manufacturing process. The combination of additive manufacturing and sheet forming process creates new opportunities to overcome the manufacturing challenges of thin-walled components with complex features. The present work firstly classifies and characterizes the existing additive manufacturing techniques and sheet forming processes, identifying the limitations of conventional processes in case of manufacturing complex components. Subsequently, the research status of the additive manufacturing-sheet forming (AM-SF) hybrid manufacturing process is reviewed, and the feasibility of the hybrid manufacturing process are analyzed from technical, application and economic aspects. According to the forming process, AM-SF can be classified as AM-Bending, AM-Deep drawing, AM-Flanging, AM-Spinning and AM-Incremental forming. The existing strategies of shape/ property regulation for the hybrid process are analyzed, which contains the research progress on the geometric accuracy, residual stresses and microstructure evolution mechanism. Finally, the challenges and application limitations of hybridizing additive manufacturing and sheet forming processes are discussed. The possible technological approaches to address critical issues in the hybrid manufacturing of thin-walled components with complex features are envisioned, with useful suggestions for future research and development.

Keywords:Additive manufacturing;Incremental sheet forming;Hybrid manufacturing;Hybrid processes


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