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Semi-analytical and numerical analysis of sliding asperity interaction for power-law hardening materials

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-14 点击量:

Semi-analytical and numerical analysis of sliding asperity interaction for power-law hardening materials

Zhao,BinZhang, Song   Keer, Leon M.



The study of the sliding process between asperities on rough surfaces can improve the understanding of wear mechanisms. The sliding interaction between asperities is analyzed in this paper using both a semi analytical model and a finite element model. Power-law hardening materials are considered, and the asperity profiles are assumed to be a parabolic approximation to the cylinder. The effects of strain hardening exponents on some contact parameters are explored with the finite element model. Results show that the faster semi-analytical model agrees well with the finite element model for materials with larger hardening exponents, while for materials with smaller exponents, the errors' would preclude its use. As the exponent decreases, the dragging effect in sliding becomes more notable and influences the contact parameters more significantly. Friction shows a significant effect in the sliding process after preliminary consideration, which should be explored in detail further. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Sliding;Asperity contact; Power-law hardening materials; Semi-analytical model;Numerical model

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