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Fault features analysis of a compound planetary gear set with damaged planet gears—Remanufacturing—2017—Fangyi Li

作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2017-12-13 点击量:

Guo-Yan Li, Fang-Yi Li, Hao-Hua Liu, De-Hao Dong

Journal:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C


The fault properties of compound planetary gear set are much more complicated than the simple planetary gear set. A damaged planet will induce two periodic transient impulses in the raw signals and generates modulation sidebands around the mesh harmonics. This paper aims to investigate the fault properties of a compound planetary gear set in damaged planet conditions. A dynamic model is proposed to simulate the vibration signals. The time interval between the fault-induced close impulses in the time domain is used as a significant feature to locate the faulty planet. Considering the phase relations, the time-varying mesh stiffness is obtained. Then, the fault properties are demonstrated in the simulation, and the theoretical derivations are experimentally verified.


Compound planetary gear set, nonlinear dynamic model, time-varying mesh stiffness, fault features, damaged planet.

教育部直属高校 国家“985”工程 “211”工程 “双一流”重点建设本科大学

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