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Deformation mechanics and efficient force prediction in single point incremental forming-洁净制造-2015-李燕乐

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Deformation mechanics and efficient force prediction in single point incremental forming

Yanle Li , William J.T. Daniel, Zhaobing Liu, Haibo Lu, Paul A. Meehan

School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China

期刊:Journal of Materials Processing Technology


Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a promising forming process which is able to deform a flat sheet into a complex 3D shape by using a generic moving tool. The flexibility, increased formability and the reduced forming force make the ISF process ideal for rapid prototype and small batch production. However, the effective production design and optimization in ISF require the efficient prediction of forming force, especially the tangential force which is the actual force component that does plastic work during the forming process. In this paper, in order to investigate the deformation mechanism in the ISF process, a comprehensive finite element (FE) model for the cone-forming process with fine solid elements is established which allows the quantitative study of the deformation behavior of stretching, bending and shearing during the process. Based on such analysis, an efficient model for tangential force prediction is deduced analytically in which all these three deformation modes are considered. In particular, the contribution from each deformation mode is related to the variation of forming parameters. Additionally, the proposed efficient model is comprehensively validated with both truncated cone and pyramid shapes by varying

four forming parameters (i.e. step down, wall angle, tool radius and sheet thickness). In both cases, the predicted forces show good agreements with the experimental results. Furthermore, the proposed model is generalized to deal with more complex shapes (e.g. ellipsoidal cup). It is found that the trend of tangential force could be properly represented by the change of the curvature of the formed part. Considering

the proposed model can be solved within only several minutes, it will guide the forming process and shorten the lead time.


关键词:Incremental sheet forming Forming force Deformation mechanics Prediction Shear Bending

分类号:DOI 221 (2015) 100–111

教育部直属高校 国家“985”工程 “211”工程 “双一流”重点建设本科大学

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